[m] PS-2024 open call for artists open till December 15 (and it's free)
[m] Explore the FingerRing (FrR) - simple technique for multichannel sound performance
upcoming events:
20|12|23 PS-2023 @ Yerevan & Tijuana
29|11|23 PS-2023 @ Almaty & Ljubljana
05|11|23 LIKBEZ-2023 starts live @ samoobman [Msc]
11|05|23 Alexander Senko live for "the last order" @ dom radio [Spb]
30|04|23 Dark Souls seminar final show by Alek Petuk @ garage ccc [Msc]
27|03|23 sa)) guest mix @ movement.radio [Athens]
25|03|23 ::vtol:: opening at Renaissance 3.0 @ ZKM [karlsruhe, germany]
14|02|23 sa)) annual birthday meetup and concert @ solyanka [Msc]
ongoing shows:
20|05|23 - 23|06|23 Lada Raskolnikova & Alexander Titov "phaneron" @ SA))_gallery [msc]
05|04|23 - 14|05|23 Mikhail Myasoedov "singing suns" @ SA))_gallery [msc]
10|01|23 - 02|04|23 Oleg Makarov "i.i.p. p4: winter dreams" @ SA))_gallery [msc]
for most recent updates:
[ official TG channel ]
[ official FB page ]